The agenda of the next regular School Board meeting shall be set by the Executive Committee of the Caddo Parish School Board at its monthly meeting.  Agendas for any special meeting shall be set by the School Board President after consultation with the Superintendent.  Items of business may be suggested by School Board members, administrative staff, and employees of the School District for inclusion on the agenda.  The agenda shall not be changed less than twenty-four (24) hours, exclusive of Saturdays, Sundays, and legal holidays, prior to the scheduled time of the meeting.


Each item on the agenda shall be listed separately and described with reasonable specificity.  Before the School Board may take any action on the agenda item, the presiding officer or Superintendent as designee shall read aloud the description of the item.


Items of business not on the agenda may not be suggested from the floor for discussion except upon unanimous approval of the members present at a meeting.  The motion to add an item not on the agenda shall identify the item with reasonable specificity, including the purpose for the proposed addition to the agenda, and shall be entered into the minutes.  In keeping with state law and School Board policy, prior to any vote to add an item to the agenda, there shall be an opportunity for public comment on the motion.


In addition to other rules for setting agendas, the School Board shall abide by the following rules in setting agendas:


  1. Generally, all presentations and reports not requiring action of the School Board in the form of a motion, with the exception of the Superintendent’s report, shall be postponed and set for presentation to the School Board at the next Executive Committee meeting.

  2. In establishing the order of the agenda, any items which the Executive Committee reasonably believes may be of heightened interest to the public shall be prioritized and set on the agenda for the earliest consideration after normal preliminary matters.




It shall be the policy of the Caddo Parish School Board that backup material and information regarding agenda items on which the School Board is to take action during the regular School Board meeting be in the electronic mail out posted to the School Board website no later than the Wednesday before the Executive Committee meeting held as a work session for the regular School Board meeting.  Agenda items for which backup material and information are provided to School Board members prior to or during the Executive Committee meeting may be considered for School Board action during the regular School Board meeting. The School Board shall not act on any agenda item for which backup material or information was not provided before or during the Executive Committee meeting with the exception of bid agenda items.  However, any agenda item may be considered for School Board action with a two-thirds (⅔) vote of the members present regardless to when the backup material and information was provided to the School Board.




The Caddo Parish School Board shall make the agendas and supporting documentation of the School Board or School Board committee meetings available to the public and the media requesting same, no later than twenty-four (24) hours before the meeting.  Agendas and supporting documentation shall be available for review electronically on the school district’s website.  Otherwise, agendas and supporting documentation shall be available for inspection at the school board offices at 1961 Midway Avenue, Shreveport, Louisiana.  A person desiring to review the agenda and supporting documentation at the School Board office shall contact the Superintendent’s office to make an appointment to review same.


Revised:  November 17, 2015



Ref:    La. Rev. Stat. Ann. §42:19

Jackson v. Assumption Parish School Board, App. 1 Cir. 1995, 652 So2d 549, 1994-0901 (La. App. 1 Circ. 3/3/95)

Board minutes, 3-17-82, 1-2-85, 6-4-87, 10-87, 2-21-90, 6-19-91, 2-5-92, 5-27-92, 3-17-93, 11-17-93, 4-20-94, 4-19-95, 6-18-97, 8-20-97, 10-22-97, 2-2-00, 3-15-00, 6-18-02, 4-20-04, 11-17-15


Caddo Parish School Board